Version: 2019.4
语言: 中文
public void ShowModalUtility ();


将 EditorWindow 显示为浮动模态窗口。

该实用程序窗口在运行期间不允许与编辑器进行交互。这意味着,Unity 编辑器不会隐藏 EditorWindow.ShowModalUtility 窗口。但是,该窗口不能停靠到编辑器。

实用程序窗口将始终位于正常 Unity 窗口前方。该窗口会在用户从 Unity 切换到其他应用程序时隐藏起来。

注意:在使用此函数显示窗口之前,无需使用 EditorWindow.GetWindow

\ 允许您随机设置选定对象的旋转的浮动窗口实用程序。

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

// Simple script that randomizes the rotation of the selected GameObjects. // It also lists which objects are currently selected.

public class RandomizeInSelection : EditorWindow { public float rotationAmount = 0.33f; public string selected = "";

[MenuItem("Example/Randomize Children In Selection")] static void RandomizeWindow() { RandomizeInSelection window = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance(typeof(RandomizeInSelection)) as RandomizeInSelection; window.ShowModalUtility(); }

void RandomizeSelected() { foreach (var transform in Selection.transforms) { Quaternion rotation = Random.rotation; transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.localRotation, rotation, rotationAmount); } }

void OnGUI() { foreach (var t in Selection.transforms) { selected += + " "; }

EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Selected Object:", selected);

selected = "";

if (GUILayout.Button("Randomize!")) RandomizeSelected();

if (GUILayout.Button("Close")) Close(); }

void OnInspectorUpdate() { Repaint(); } }