Version: 2019.4
Unity 的 Package Manager



关键字: 匹配的包:
2d [2D Animation][]
[2D Common][]
[2D IK][]
[2D Path][]
[2D PSD Importer][]
[2D Sprite][]
[2D SpriteShape][]
[2D Tilemap Editor][]
2D [2D Pixel Perfect][]
3d [ProBuilder][]
abc [Alembic][]
adapt [Remote Config][]
adaptive [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
ads [Advertisement][]
aec [Unity Reflect][]
ai [AI Planner][]
aim [Cinemachine][]
alembic [Alembic][]
align [ProGrids][]
analytics [Analytics Library][]
android [Platforms Android][]
[Unity Distribution Portal][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Oculus Android][]
Android [Android Logcat][]
[Mobile Notifications][]
animation [2D Animation][]
[FBX Exporter][]
[PlayableGraph Visualizer][]
[Unity Recorder][]
Animation [Animation Rigging][]
anything [Quick Search][]
AOV [Unity AOV Recorder][]
ap [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
api [Multiplayer HLAPI][]
[Quick Search][]
app update [Remote Config][]
ar [Vuforia Engine AR][]
[ARCore XR Plugin][]
[AR Foundation][]
[ARKit XR Plugin][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
[Magic Leap XR Plugin][]
[XR Plugin Management][]
[Windows XR Plugin][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
AR [AR Subsystems][]
arcore [ARCore XR Plugin][]
arkit [ARKit XR Plugin][]
array [ProGrids][]
asmjs [Platforms Web][]
assembly [USD][]
asset [Addressables][]
[Asset Bundle Browser][]
[Asset Graph][]
assetbundles [Addressables][]
[Asset Bundle Browser][]
[Asset Graph][]
[Scriptable Build Pipeline][]
assetimporter [2D PSD Importer][]
assets [Quick Search][]
audio [Google Resonance Audio][]
augmented [Vuforia Engine AR][]
[ARCore XR Plugin][]
[AR Foundation][]
[ARKit XR Plugin][]
[Magic Leap XR Plugin][]
[Windows XR Plugin][]
automation [Asset Graph][]
backup [Unity Collaborate][]
behavior [AI Planner][]
blender [ProBuilder][]
block [ProBuilder][]
Brush [Terrain Tools][]
build [Build Report Inspector][]
[Platforms Android][]
[Platforms Linux][]
[Platforms macOS][]
[Platforms Web][]
[Platforms Windows][]
[Scriptable Build Pipeline][]
[XR Plugin Management][]
bundle [Addressables][]
[Asset Bundle Browser][]
[Asset Graph][]
[Scriptable Build Pipeline][]
bundles [Addressables][]
[Asset Bundle Browser][]
[Asset Graph][]
[Scriptable Build Pipeline][]
cache [Scriptable Build Pipeline][]
camera [Cinemachine][]
Canvas [Unity UI][]
capture [Unity AOV Recorder][]
[Unity Recorder][]
cardboard [Google Resonance Audio][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
cinemachine [Cinemachine][]
cinematic [Cinemachine][]
cinematography [Cinemachine][]
clay [Polybrush][]
clearshot [Cinemachine][]
clip [Unity Recorder][]
cloth [Alembic][]
cloud [Unity Collaborate][]
collab [Unity Collaborate][]
collaborate [Unity Collaborate][]
collections [Collections][]
collision [Cinemachine][]
compose [Cinemachine][]
composition [Cinemachine][]
conditional [Remote Config][]
condtions [Remote Config][]
config [Remote Config][]
configuration [Remote Config][]
connect [WebGL Publisher][]
Constraints [Animation Rigging][]
continuous delivery [Remote Config][]
core [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
[ARCore XR Plugin][]
[AR Foundation][]
coroutine [Editor Coroutines][]
coroutines [Editor Coroutines][]
coverage [Code Coverage][]
cube [ProBuilder][]
cutscene [Cinemachine][]
daydream [Google Resonance Audio][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
debug [Immediate Window][]
deploy [Remote Config][]
deprecated [Google Resonance Audio][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
[Oculus Android][]
[Oculus Desktop][]
[OpenVR Desktop][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
description [USD][]
design [ProBuilder][]
desktop [Oculus Desktop][]
development [Immediate Window][]
Device [Device Simulator][]
dolly [Cinemachine][]
dots [Collections][]
[DOTS Editor][]
[Hybrid Renderer][]
editor [Editor Coroutines][]
[Quick Search][]
effect [Visual Effect Graph][]
engine [Vuforia Engine AR][]
entities [DOTS Editor][]
events [Input System][]
experiment [Remote Config][]
experimentation [Remote Config][]
export [USD][]
facial [Alembic][]
fbx [FBX Exporter][]
feature flagging [Remote Config][]
film [Film and TV Toolbox][]
Filter [Terrain Tools][]
firebase [Remote Config][]
follow [Cinemachine][]
foundation [AR Foundation][]
fps [Cinemachine][]
framing [Cinemachine][]
freelook [Cinemachine][]
Game Foundation [Game Foundation][]
gamepad [Input System][]
gamesdk [Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
gear [Oculus Android][]
gearvr [Oculus Android][]
geometry [USD][]
go [Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Oculus Android][]
google [Google Resonance Audio][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
graph [Asset Graph][]
[PlayableGraph Visualizer][]
[Visual Effect Graph][]
graphics [High Definition RP][]
[Lightweight RP][]
[Universal RP][]
[Vector Graphics][]
graybox [ProBuilder][]
greybox [ProBuilder][]
grid [ProGrids][]
gvr [Google Resonance Audio][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
handheld [Cinemachine][]
havok [Havok Physics for Unity][]
Helpers [XR Legacy Input Helpers][]
high-level [Multiplayer HLAPI][]
hlapi [Multiplayer HLAPI][]
holo [Windows Mixed Reality][]
hololens [Windows XR Plugin][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
html [Platforms Web][]
hybrid [Hybrid Renderer][]
iap [In App Purchasing][]
[Unity Distribution Portal][]
ide [Immediate Window][]
ik [2D IK][]
images [Unity AOV Recorder][]
[Unity Recorder][]
import [Asset Graph][]
importer [Vector Graphics][]
impulse [Cinemachine][]
industrial [Unity Reflect][]
input [Input System][]
Input [XR Legacy Input Helpers][]
inspector [Build Report Inspector][]
interaction [XR Interaction Toolkit][]
Interaction [XR Interaction Subsystems][]
internal [Subsystem Registration][]
Inventory [Game Foundation][]
ios [Google VR iOS][]
iOS [Mobile Notifications][]
Item Stats [Game Foundation][]
jobs [Jobs][]
keyboard [Input System][]
layer [Unity AOV Recorder][]
lens [Cinemachine][]
level [ProBuilder][]
linux [Platforms Linux][]
Logcat [Android Logcat][]
mac [Platforms macOS][]
macos [Platforms macOS][]
magicleap [Magic Leap XR Plugin][]
management [XR Plugin Management][]
manipulation [ProGrids][]
Mask [Terrain Tools][]
max [FBX Exporter][]
maya [FBX Exporter][]
memory [Memory Profiler][]
memoryprofiler [Memory Profiler][]
menu [Quick Search][]
mesh [ProBuilder][]
mixed [Windows XR Plugin][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
mobile [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
[Build Report Inspector][]
[Lightweight RP][]
[Universal RP][]
Mobile [Android Logcat][]
[Mobile Notifications][]
mock-hmd [MockHMD XR Plugin][]
model [USD][]
modeling [FBX Exporter][]
mouse [Input System][]
mr [Windows Mixed Reality][]
multiplayer [Multiplayer HLAPI][]
networking [Multiplayer HLAPI][]
noise [Cinemachine][]
Noise [Terrain Tools][]
Notifications [Mobile Notifications][]
nunit [Custom NUnit][]
obj [ProBuilder][]
oculus [Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Oculus Android][]
[Oculus Desktop][]
omni [Quick Search][]
open [OpenVR Desktop][]
opencover [Code Coverage][]
openvr [OpenVR Desktop][]
optimize [Build Report Inspector][]
orbit [Cinemachine][]
osx [Platforms macOS][]
override [Remote Config][]
packages [Quick Search][]
parameter [Remote Config][]
particles [Visual Effect Graph][]
pass [Unity AOV Recorder][]
path [2D Path][]
perfect [2D Pixel Perfect][]
performance [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
[High Definition RP][]
[Lightweight RP][]
[Universal RP][]
[Performance testing API][]
physics [Havok Physics for Unity][]
[Unity Physics][]
pipeline [USD][]
[High Definition RP][]
[Lightweight RP][]
[Universal RP][]
pixel [2D Pixel Perfect][]
plan [AI Planner][]
planner [AI Planner][]
platform [Platforms][]
[Platforms Android][]
[Platforms Linux][]
[Platforms macOS][]
[Platforms Web][]
[Platforms Windows][]
playable [PlayableGraph Visualizer][]
playablegraph [PlayableGraph Visualizer][]
plugin [XR Plugin Management][]
probuilder [ProBuilder][]
profile [Build Report Inspector][]
profiler [Memory Profiler][]
profiling [Memory Profiler][]
Progression [Game Foundation][]
prototype [ProBuilder][]
provider [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
psdimporter [2D PSD Importer][]
purchasing [In App Purchasing][]
[Unity Distribution Portal][]
push [Polybrush][]
quest [Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Oculus Android][]
quick [Quick Search][]
reality [Vuforia Engine AR][]
[ARCore XR Plugin][]
[AR Foundation][]
[ARKit XR Plugin][]
[Magic Leap XR Plugin][]
[MockHMD XR Plugin][]
[Windows XR Plugin][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
recorder [Unity AOV Recorder][]
[Unity Recorder][]
recording [Unity AOV Recorder][]
[Unity Recorder][]
registration [Subsystem Registration][]
remote [Remote Config][]
remote config [Remote Config][]
remote settings [Remote Config][]
render [Unity AOV Recorder][]
[High Definition RP][]
[Lightweight RP][]
[Universal RP][]
rendering [High Definition RP][]
[Lightweight RP][]
[Universal RP][]
[Hybrid Renderer][]
report [Build Report Inspector][]
resonance [Google Resonance Audio][]
resources [Addressables][]
[Asset Graph][]
revit [Unity Reflect][]
rift [Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Oculus Desktop][]
rig [Cinemachine][]
Rigging [Animation Rigging][]
roll-out [Remote Config][]
rules [Remote Config][]
Samples [Film and TV Toolbox][]
samsung [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
scene [USD][]
[Quick Search][]
scripting [Immediate Window][]
sculpting [Polybrush][]
SDF [TextMesh Pro][]
sdk [Vuforia Engine AR][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
[XR Plugin Management][]
[Oculus Android][]
[Oculus Desktop][]
search [Quick Search][]
searcher [Searcher][]
segment [Remote Config][]
segmentation [Remote Config][]
segmenting [Remote Config][]
server [Scriptable Build Pipeline][]
settings [Remote Config][]
shading [USD][]
shape [2D SpriteShape][]
share [WebGL Publisher][]
simulation [Alembic][]
Simulator [Device Simulator][]
size [Build Report Inspector][]
sketchup [Unity Reflect][]
smartsprite [2D SpriteShape][]
snap [ProGrids][]
snapshot [Memory Profiler][]
spatialize [Google Resonance Audio][]
spline [2D SpriteShape][]
sprite [2D Pixel Perfect][]
[2D Sprite][]
sprite editor window [2D Sprite][]
spriteshape [2D SpriteShape][]
staged rollouts [Remote Config][]
standalone [Oculus Desktop][]
steam [OpenVR Desktop][]
steamvr [OpenVR Desktop][]
subsystem [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
[Subsystem Registration][]
[AR Subsystems][]
[XR Interaction Subsystems][]
svg [Vector Graphics][]
taget [Remote Config][]
tailor [Remote Config][]
targeting [Remote Config][]
team [Unity Collaborate][]
teams [Unity Collaborate][]
terrain [Polybrush][]
Terrain [Terrain Tools][]
terrain2d [2D SpriteShape][]
test [Custom NUnit][]
[Remote Config][]
[Performance testing API][]
[Code Coverage][]
Test [Test Framework][]
TestFramework [Test Framework][]
testing [Code Coverage][]
Text [TextMesh Pro][]
TextMesh Pro [TextMesh Pro][]
TextMeshPro [TextMesh Pro][]
Tilemap [2D Tilemap Editor][]
time [Build Report Inspector][]
timeline [PlayableGraph Visualizer][]
tool [Memory Profiler][]
[Quick Search][]
Toolbox [Terrain Tools][]
toolkit [XR Interaction Toolkit][]
tools [Timeline][]
Tools [Film and TV Toolbox][]
touch [Input System][]
TPD [XR Legacy Input Helpers][]
track [Cinemachine][]
Tracked Pose Driver [XR Legacy Input Helpers][]
tune [Remote Config][]
TV [Film and TV Toolbox][]
ugui [Unity UI][]
UI [Unity UI][]
unittest [Custom NUnit][]
unity [Advertisement][]
[Analytics Library][]
[Unity AOV Recorder][]
[DOTS Editor][]
[Game Foundation][]
[Unity Physics][]
[In App Purchasing][]
[Quick Search][]
[Unity Recorder][]
[Unity Reflect][]
[Hybrid Renderer][]
Unity UI [Unity UI][]
universal [USD][]
usd [USD][]
usdz [USD][]
utilities [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
[AR Foundation][]
utility [Adaptive Performance][]
[Adaptive Performance Samsung Android][]
[AR Foundation][]
variants [Remote Config][]
variation [Remote Config][]
vector [Vector Graphics][]
vfx [Visual Effect Graph][]
video [Unity Recorder][]
virtual [Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
[Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Oculus Android][]
[Oculus Desktop][]
[OpenVR Desktop][]
Virtual Currency [Game Foundation][]
Virtual Goods [Game Foundation][]
visualeffect [Visual Effect Graph][]
vr [Input System][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
[XR Plugin Management][]
[Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Oculus Android][]
[Oculus Desktop][]
[OpenVR Desktop][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
VR [XR Interaction Toolkit][]
vuforia [Vuforia Engine AR][]
Wallet [Game Foundation][]
wasm [Platforms Web][]
web [Platforms Web][]
webgl [WebGL Publisher][]
[Platforms Web][]
webrtc [WebRTC][]
whitebox [ProBuilder][]
win [Platforms Windows][]
windows [Platforms Windows][]
[Windows XR Plugin][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
windowsmr [Windows Mixed Reality][]
xr [Vuforia Engine AR][]
[Input System][]
[ARCore XR Plugin][]
[AR Foundation][]
[ARKit XR Plugin][]
[Google VR Android][]
[Google VR iOS][]
[Magic Leap XR Plugin][]
[XR Plugin Management][]
[MockHMD XR Plugin][]
[Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Oculus Android][]
[Oculus Desktop][]
[OpenVR Desktop][]
[Windows XR Plugin][]
[Windows Mixed Reality][]
XR [AR Subsystems][]
[XR Interaction Toolkit][]
[XR Interaction Subsystems][]
[XR Legacy Input Helpers][]
xreditorsubsystem [Magic Leap XR Plugin][]
[MockHMD XR Plugin][]
[Oculus XR Plugin][]
[Windows XR Plugin][]

[2D Animation]: target=“blank“ [2D Common]: target=”blank” [2D IK]: target=“blank“ [2D Path]: target=”blank” [2D PSD Importer]: target=“blank“ [2D Sprite]: target=”blank” [2D SpriteShape]: target=“blank“ [2D Tilemap Editor]: target=”blank” [2D Pixel Perfect]: target=“blank“ [ProBuilder]: target=”blank” [Alembic]: target=“blank“ [Remote Config]: target=”blank” [Adaptive Performance]: target=“blank“ [Adaptive Performance Samsung Android]: target=”blank” [Advertisement]: target=“blank“ [Unity Reflect]: target=”blank” [AI Planner]: target=“blank“ [Cinemachine]: target=”blank” [USD]: target=“blank“ [ProGrids]: target=”blank” [Analytics Library]: target=“blank“ [Platforms Android]: target=”blank” [Unity Distribution Portal]: target=“blank“ [Google VR Android]: target=”blank” [Oculus Android]: target=“blank“ [Android Logcat]: target=”blank” [Mobile Notifications]: target=“blank“ [FBX Exporter]: target=”blank” [PlayableGraph Visualizer]: target=“blank“ [Unity Recorder]: target=”blank” [Timeline]: target=“blank“ [Animation Rigging]: target=”blank” [Quick Search]: target=“blank“ [Unity AOV Recorder]: target=”blank” [Multiplayer HLAPI]: target=“blank“ [Vuforia Engine AR]: target=”blank” [ARCore XR Plugin]: target=“blank“ [AR Foundation]: target=”blank” [ARKit XR Plugin]: target=“blank“ [Google VR iOS]: target=”blank” [Magic Leap XR Plugin]: target=“blank“ [XR Plugin Management]: target=”blank” [Windows XR Plugin]: target=“blank“ [Windows Mixed Reality]: target=”blank” [AR Subsystems]: target=“blank“ [Platforms Web]: target=”blank” [Addressables]: target=“blank“ [Asset Bundle Browser]: target=”blank” [Asset Graph]: target=“blank“ [Scriptable Build Pipeline]: target=”blank” [Google Resonance Audio]: target=“blank“ [Unity Collaborate]: target=”blank” [Terrain Tools]: target=“blank“ [Build Report Inspector]: target=”blank” [Platforms]: target=“blank“ [Platforms Linux]: target=”blank” [Platforms macOS]: target=“blank“ [Platforms Windows]: target=”blank” [Unity UI]: target=“blank“ [Polybrush]: target=”blank” [Collections]: target=“blank“ [WebGL Publisher]: target=”blank” [Editor Coroutines]: target=“blank“ [Code Coverage]: target=”blank” [Immediate Window]: target=“blank“ [Oculus Desktop]: target=”blank” [OpenVR Desktop]: target=“blank“ [Device Simulator]: target=”blank” [DOTS Editor]: target=“blank“ [Entities]: target=”blank” [Jobs]: target=“blank“ [Hybrid Renderer]: target=”blank” [Visual Effect Graph]: target=“blank“ [Input System]: target=”blank” [Film and TV Toolbox]: target=“blank“ [Game Foundation]: target=”blank” [Oculus XR Plugin]: target=“blank“ [High Definition RP]: target=”blank” [Lightweight RP]: target=“blank“ [Universal RP]: target=”blank” [Vector Graphics]: target=“blank“ [Havok Physics for Unity]: target=”blank” [XR Legacy Input Helpers]: target=“blank“ [In App Purchasing]: target=”blank” [XR Interaction Toolkit]: target=“blank“ [XR Interaction Subsystems]: target=”blank” [Subsystem Registration]: target=“blank“ [Memory Profiler]: target=”blank” [MockHMD XR Plugin]: target=“blank“ [Custom NUnit]: target=”blank” [Performance testing API]: target=“blank“ [Unity Physics]: target=”blank” [TextMesh Pro]: target=“blank“ [Searcher]: target=”blank” [Test Framework]: target=“blank“ [Mathematics]: target=”blank” [WebRTC]: target=“_blank”

Unity 的 Package Manager